BLOW OVER-あっちゃん生誕祭!- an evening full of emotions

BLOW OVER-あっちゃん生誕祭!-
開催日: 2022/11/27
BLOW OVER-あっちゃん生誕祭!- an evening full of emotions
I am very happy that Mudia exists and supports artists of all kinds. I am glad that events like BLOW OVER-あっちゃん生誕祭!-, which I am participating in for the first time.
As someone for whom life would be empty without music, I am even more excited about the BLOW OVER-あっちゃん生誕祭!-, event and looking forward to all the performers taking part.
This event was not only an interesting competition between six amazing group personalities representing different genres of music and with different life stories, but above all an evening full of emotions that will stay with me, because music never goes away.
Congratulations to all the performers taking part in BLOW OVER-あっちゃん生誕祭!for their excellent participation! It was a really exciting evening which in this final resulted in the following outcome:
Congratulations to おとぐらし (Friends) for winning first place 🥇with a 400 points in this wonderful event. Please continue to give your best in the future 💪 . おとぐらし (two-piece acoustic band "Otogurashi") - a sample of their work can be seen on their Tik-Tok account (@otogurashi)
The other performers on this incredible evening all placed second. We were able to meet, among others:
2. Sota Ogi
Sota Ogi is the vocalist and guitarist of the three-member band Construction Nine.
3. Seki Shinya born in Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture, who is a representative of Jorney MusicWorks. He also serves as vocal guitarist in the three-member band SOUTH BLOW. Wanting to connect his hometown through music, he started a solo business. Aomidori is the colour of Kukai and the mountains of Amami Oshima. He is currently expanding his activities , such as radio programmes and music delivery, focusing on live activities.
4. UKK from pop band (waybee.YOKALOK)
5. 咲弥
Sakuya was born on 3 November 1997 in the city of Himeji in Hyogo Prefecture and lives in Osaka. Around the third year of junior high school, she showed off her summer yuzu colour in front of her classmates on the school tour bus, and from then on, she began to take an interest in the music track. Then, for some reason, she joined the archery club at high school. After retiring, she went to see LIVE with her mother for the first time in her life and was shocked and decided to dedicate herself to music. After graduating from music school, she had her first solo concert at the Kitahorie vijon club on 1 November 2019. It was a big success. A singer and songwriter who sings as if she wants to shout with life-size power without stretching too far to show it.
You can get to know her work by visiting her Youube channel (@sakuya6274), which features her original songs as well as numerous covers of songs by bands including Amazaraschi and Ado.