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Movie Grand Prix vol.2【D-1】
HanasakimaiIsn't she a fantastic dance performer? She is such a gem in Japan. Takato HanaIsn't she a...
Movie Grand Prix vol.2【B-3】
Rika Higashi, Enka singerA fantastic Japanese enka girl, isn't she? She's got the Japanese fist! -ts...
Movie Grand Prix vol.2【A-3】
Masaki KanzuHis music has the taste of Roku. I don't know if that's good or bad. But it's a great th...
Movie Grand Prix vol.2【Semi Final D】
(6/5)Taste of Summer Festival 出演オーディション
FumiyaIsn't that the kind of dance choreography he likes to fan out over? He's so handsome. I wonder...
【sonar-u community】クリエイターとして生きるには?【ゲスト:カラフルパレット】
You're very brave, Yu-ki. It's very inspiring to see him try everything. The song is good too. The a...
Movie Grand Prix vol.2【C-2】
grumble grumbleYou guys are impressive. Are you an impressionist? I also like your new style. Why ar...
Movie Grand Prix vol.2【B-1】
Yuri MaebashiShe's a singer-songwriter. Her songs are superb and delicious. It's as gorgeous as sush...